The African Christian Movie Award is a Project conceived by Christian Entertainment practitioner in Nollywood of various denomination, and it is designed to reward excellence, celebrate creativity and Christian values in movies industries in Africa and the propagation of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


A Chinese proverb says “what I hear I forget but what I see I remember”. Furthermore, researchers revealed that a human brain under a healthy condition would retain in his memory 35% of what they hear and 45% of what they see. With the above, we can conclusively say that anyone who watches a movie (a combination of audio and picture that is hearing and seeing at the same time) should be able to retain 80% of that in his memory. This is also a good news for evangelism as such let the Christian ministries come together to recognize the department of media and encourage filmmakers among them.


The main objective is to increase more Christian Movie/Music making by rewarding those in the system so that the Gospel also can reach a wider audience.


The award is categorized into these Categories!

  1. Church supporting African Christian movies of the year.
  2. Christian movie media of the year.
  3. Christian Movie Producer of the year.
  4. The Christian Movie Actor of the year.
  5. Gospel Movie personality of the year.
  6. The outstanding Christian Act of the year
  7. Christian Movie Company of the year.
  8. Christian Movie Director of the year.

  •         a major tool for soul winning
  1. enlightening believers more about their faith
  2. it will encourage and give believers hope of glory
  3. healing and deliverance
  4. restoration
  5. supporting the churches and the Gospel Ministries


 Is based on the compilation of Christian Movie/Music work within Nigeria and other African Countries that have merited such recognition. In selection or nominations Christian movie/Music producers profile is looked into within certain period and the impact they have made.S A lifetime Christian Movie/Music achievement award shall take the Christian world stage. In the real sense an African movie that has made an impact in the spread of the Gospel for the past ten to twenty, years.